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NewsTwo tragic losses in the music world

Posted on Wednesday, November 03 2004 @ 07:00:10 CST by Pete Pardo
General Trans Siberian Orchestra Singer Daryl Pediford Passes Away, and legendary former manager/producer of Grand Funk Railroad Terry Knight murdered.

Read on for more info...

Reported by SoT's Ken Pierce:

It is with with a heavy heart that I get to inform you of the passing of Mr. Daryl Pediford, one of the Lead Singers in the East Coast Company of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Daryl was an amazing part of the performance as his soulful and passionate voice would shake the venue when he was on stage. It was also amazing to watch him singing scat alongside the jazzy guitarwork of Alex Skolnick and Tistan Avakian. As a long time attendee of the TSO shows, I know the void will be felt for a long time by his Family, Bandmates and his many thousands of fans. Daryl's most recent work is the release of "The Lost Christman Eve" by the TSO. Performances were scheduled from 11/10/04.

Since I have no additional information other than that Daryl left us on Saturday, 10/30/2004. Please follow the official or for more details and personal statements from the band. Thanks Daryl, you were an amazing person to have listened to. Rest In Peace.

From Leighton Media:

TERRY KNIGHT was murdered defending his daughter at his home in Killeen, TX on the night of Nov. 1. The updated story can be found at

It is with sadness that Grand Funk Railroad issues a statement regarding the death of Terry Knight.

"We were shocked to here that Terry had been murdered. Even though we have not had a friendly relationship with Terry over the last 30 years it still was very distressing to hear of his death.

"Terry Knight was instrumental in the birth and early success of Grand Funk Railroad from 1969 to 1972. Having been a former bandmate in previous bands with Grand Funk's Don Brewer and Mark Farner (The Pack, and Terry Knight and the Pack) Knight later became manager and producer of Grand Funk Railroad. During those years Grand Funk sold millions of records and toured the world as one of the biggest rock bands of all time even selling out Shea Stadium in NYC faster than The Beatles.

"There was a major falling out between the members of Grand Funk and Terry in 1972 and Terry was fired. This led to huge lawsuits and lasting discord between GFR and Terry.

"Grand Funk moved on and continued to have great success with million selling hits 'We're An American Band,' 'Locomotion,' 'Some Kind Of Wonderful' and 'Bad Time.'

"We have had very little personal contact with Terry over the last 30 years.

"We deeply regret Terry's death and our sympathy goes out to his family."

Don Brewer-drummer, Grand Funk Railroad

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Two tragic losses in the music world

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