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Welcome to Our New 'Staff Blogs' Section!

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Welcome to Sea of Tranquility's New 'Off Topic' Articles SectionSoT's New 'Staff Blogs'!

6 March 2010

Peter Pardo, Publisher

After many months of our talented group of writers pleading for a place on SoT where they can share their musings on all sorts of topics ranging from prog, metal, and jazz-fusion, to other areas of interest that we don't often cover or go into, like films, books, broad music genre discussions, hobbies, fads, trends, sports, dining…well, you get the picture, we now have that very place, which we are calling Staff Blogs.

In most cases, what we'll be writing about here will usually tie in somehow with the vision of Sea of Tranquility, meaning that music will certainly be the 'behind the scenes' culprit for any blog that will be posted. However, we are hoping that this new area of SoT will prove to be a place you'll want to come back to often, to read about some topics that we feel are noteworthy and fall outside the normal 'CD review', 'interview', or 'concert review' that you normally see here on a day to day basis.

Will you see some 'cutting edge' or 'no holds barred' opinions on the state of the music scene? That is entirely possible. Is there a chance that a post will try to settle the score for once and for all why progressive metal is more relevant than power metal, why Italian prog is more emotional than British prog, or why black metal has more historical significance than death metal? Anything is possible. There's a good chance you'll see posts that take a look at the current festival scene, or lack thereof, where the best hot spots are to see live music, why soundtracks to movies need to feature more prog-rock, which baseball player has the coolest entrance music, and why the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is utterly useless.

In reality, there's no telling just what you might see pop up here, but the aura of unpredictability is what will make our Staff Blogs all the more compelling to read. This will also give me an excuse to get back into the regular habit of delivering my "Publishers Corner" on a semi regular basis, something that I've failed to do more than once a year in recent times, but I promise to get back in the regular habit of doing.

Initially, just the writers' blogs will be in view here. Eventually, we hope to open up a comments forum so all our readers can have the ability to comment on the blogs if they so choose. In the meantime, enjoy what you find…there will be more in a regular basis, so keep checking back. If you would like to send us an email with any feedback, please do so here.

To All Things Progressive,

Pete Pardo, Publisher


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