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SS Puft- Simple Songs of Projective Unified Field Theory

Live set of an extremely exploratory avant jazz with a definite slant towards free experimentations. Most tracks are anchored by a repetitive bass line which acts as a canvas upon which splashes of musical colors get dabbled, sprayed, and thrown on by expert artists. Mixing both boldness and nuance, guitarist Colin Bragg, trumpeter Jeff Crouch, and guest saxophonist Mike Hough fuse their primary colors to create a rainbow of sounds and textures.Occasionally it's gets overdone , leaving nothing behind but brown smudges and runs down the canvas; but on the whole SS Puft manage to create an interesting, although asymmetrical, piece of art.

Enough with the painting metaphors. This is an interesting disc which is hit and miss. Some tracks are stunning, hypnotic pieces where the suspense builds up to a fevered pitch, while others are discordant free jazz tracks which are barely held together by a pulsing bass line. I don't think anybody will cut an ear off over this band but I'm sure that fans of modern free jazz will find something to their liking by this offering.

Added: October 19th 2003
Reviewer: Yves Dube
Related Link:
Hits: 2481
Language: english

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