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Tenebrae in Perpetuum / Krohm: Split

Split album from this pair of Black Metal exponents affording each artist three tracks and around twenty minutes each to highlight both their individuality and their shared Italian ancestry. Of course the temptation here is obviously leading you to state a preference and compare and contrast but rather than venture down that road for the purposes of the review each will be dealt with individually.

Tenebrae In Perpetuum offer three numerically titled tracks that are strong on sinister atmospherics and a bleak sense of foreboding but each largely indistinguishable from the next. The band are currently operating as a duo with the raspy vocals courtesy of songwriter Atratus, who also contributes guitar and synth and the other member being drummer Vidhaar. Each song moves along at a steady pace with the requisite haunting riffs but there is nothing here that stands out from the crop of Black Metal artists you will have heard all too often and the overall feeling is one of general disinterest.

Krohm are a one man endeavour, namely Seattle-based Numinas who is responsible for every aspect of the process and who started the band in 1995 with the intention of "writing the darkest, most depressing and moving Black Metal one could conceive". Whether this has been achieved some fifteen years later is a moot point but opening track "The Black Bridge" is a mightily impressive effort that avoids the usual pitfalls of repetition and is even refreshingly melodic at times. Cascading guitars, waves of distortion and anguished vocals that sound genuine as opposed to contrived are all used to some effect. The relentless drone of the drum machine will not appeal to all but overall Krohm are an intriguing variation on traditional Black Metal and a well executed concept.

Track Listing
Tenebrae in Perpetuum:
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. The Black Bridge
5. Toccato Dalla Desecrazione
6. Sentinel Monolith

Added: October 23rd 2010
Reviewer: Dean Pedley
Related Link: Label
Hits: 1906
Language: english

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