Here you have the chance to time travel. Going back to the heyday of bands like Cannibal Corpse, Disfigured Dead makes no attempt to be anything more than a group that relishes in the music of their heroes and do their best to imitate it. Not even showing the pretense of being original in thought or musicianship, these guys do the best covers of the styles they have grown up with.
Simplistic and unrelenting these guys start you off with a sledgehammer called "Beyond The Darkness" and do not stop the pounding till the last notes of "Eternally Entombed" drift off. Old school death metal is supposed to be brutal and these guys are just that. The only problem is that their musical ability is sometimes just as brutal. Riffs that are rehashed over and over again, drums that seem to get lost and are out of sync with the rest of the band, this is some of the difficulties encountered with Disfigured Dead. They do show the occasional flash as with the guitar work in "Welcome To The Morgue" but these moments are few and far between. Even though this album has its problems there is a certain charm in the rawness and energy that they exhibit. After a few beers I am sure the difficulties a sober brain picks out will disappear and what remains is an album that will suffice at your next animal sacrifice or zombie encounter.
Track listing:
1. Beyond The Darkness
2. The Gates Of Hell
3. Screamatorium
4. Mentally Mutilated
5. Welcome To The Morgue
6. The Act Of An Unsound Mind
7. Dead But Walking
8. Trapped Between Worlds
9. Visions Of Death
10. They Hear Your Heart Beating
11. Possessed Dead
12. Eternally Entombed