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Behold...the Arctopus: Arctopocalypse Now…Warmageddon Later

Young upstarts Colin Marston ( tap guitar/bass) and Mike Lerner ( guitar) met in the spring of 2001. They began writing together and joined forces with drummer Charlie Zeleny in 2002. The result is a power trio, with a heavy emphasis on POWER. These guys create one of the most complex and intense walls of sound in recent memory. Think Liquid Tension Experiment where all melody is thrown out the window and replaced with chops, chops, chops. Just how well and fine this is I leave up to the individual listener.

Arctopocalypse Now…Warmaggedon Later is a 2 track EP to whet the appetite until a full disc can be released. The opening 2:52 "Alcoholocaust" assaults the ears right from the get go. Colin Marston's faster-than-light tap guitar collides head on with Mike Lerner's note-frenetic shredding, while drummer Charle Zeleny obliterates his skins . The 8:21 " You Will Be Reincarnated As An Imperial Attack Spaceturtle (pt1)" follows suit with the same hormone-enhanced fury. This one does have more structure to it, as the track contains some slower moments, yet even these sluggish sequences pulverize the listener with a certain doom-laden heaviness.

Chock full of intricate time signatures, the tracks exude a certain cockiness associated with young lions looking to roar the loudest. This 'more is more' attitude may be the only deterrent in what promises to be a very solid debut album. Fans of the shred-fest I invite you to...... Behold…The Arctopus!

Added: September 19th 2003
Reviewer: Yves Dube
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 3383
Language: english

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