Of Beauty and Sadness is the third album from solo artist Evangelou Gerassimos( all instruments, vocals and recording). I was lured into thinking this was a black/doom metal project. In fact, it started out with a dark ambient piece with Islamic incantations, followed by some doom/ambient/black tunes. Most of this work though, from track # 5 on falls into the ambient category. Before that, a couple tracks did have some black metal elements like: rasps, distorted guitars, ghostly voices, arpeggios and ambient keyboards. The bulk of this album is made of lots of ambient keyboards, sad and melancholic anthems, occasional acoustic/classical guitars, samplings, orchestrations and long musical passages. All of this account for a nice, not so metal, type of album with emotional moments. The samplings are of nature style ( rain/thunder) as well as varied sort of vocals. Besides the already mentioned opening incantations, you also get African chant and percussions, children laughers and a melodramatic female/male conversation. I also have to point out the female operatic voices.
Of Beauty and Sadness has what its title suggest plus a myriad of different aspects and quite a few of those ambient musical breaks.
Track listing:
1. Prayer For A Memory
- 2. The Wave
- 3. The Last Forsaken
- 4. Svart Hemlangtan
- 5. Goodbye
- 6. The Quiet Inside The Storm
- 7. Old Throne
- 8. Dopo La Notte
- 9. Back To Innocence
- 10. Era Iornu
- 11. Dancing In The Dark (Orchestra Version)