It is not hard to figure out what these guys grew up on musically. With a heavy metal attitude that fits into the Motley Crue, Ratt, Aerosmith genre, Stereo Transmitted Disease give you a blast from the past with a brand new snarl that will make you glad to be infected with this STD!
They have come roaring out of Philadelphia with enough punch that even Rocky Balboa would be floored by the pummeling they dish out. Lead singer Chris Casso was training for the Golden Gloves before an untimely accident derailed those dreams but he and the band throw quite a few haymakers on this debut disc. If you are looking for some choice heavy metal that will make you think of jumping on the Harley and just ride, this is it. They are gritty and as tough as nails without sacrificing great melodies too. There are many opportunities to get a song stuck in your head here and I will almost guarantee that after listening there will be lyrics that just cannot be removed from the brain.
Opening with the title track "Generation Nothing" the band establishes itself as bad ass rockers that also have something to say. Referencing the likes of John Lennon to prove his point, Casso's gritty vocals and the anthem like melody will have you pumping the fist as the first of the songs that will be imbedded into your memory finds its resting place.
Following with "A Place Called Home" the guys are trying to cause confusion as this song will duel with the previous one for space in your short term memory. Good rock and roll is hard to come by these days and this is a one-two punch that is hard to beat. Well at least until they go for the jugular with the next tune!
My favorite song on here has to be "Medicine". This is a slowed down churning rocker that grinds it out with the best of them. It reminds me of Bad Company for some reason and that is a good thing. I cannot put my finger on why, maybe it is the combo of slow verse and power packed chorus but all I can say is that they really know what it takes to make music that stays with you.
I could get redundant about the rest of the album but there is only so much good I can say about it. From the intro of "She's Made Of Gold" which brings back shades of Argent's Hold Your Head Up to the breakneck "Medicated Children Of America" then moving to the addictive acoustic work of "Unscathed" these guys hit you in so many different ways and also manage to keep it interesting from start to end. This is something you will be hard pressed to find in this day and age. Instead of making a disc with a couple radio friendly tunes and a bunch of filler, STD has taken the time to make an album which is totally worthwhile from the beginning to the end. No need for the skip button here.
For those of you who think that an STD is a bad thing, think again. This is one that I am glad to have contracted. There is no cure for it though, only repeat listening is recommended to keep this disease in check.
Track Listing:
1. Generation Nothing
2. A Place Called Home
3. Medicine
4. You Got Fingered
5. She's Made Of Gold
6. Medicated Children Of America
7. What The Blind Can See
8. Unscathed
9. Love Junk
10. Doin Time
11. In The Morning I'll Be Gone