Negura Bunget: Virstele Pamintului
Now this is a band that has yet to disappoint me. This Transylvanian black metal act has been releasing high quality albums, with an unmistakable and different approach to the art. I became aware of Negura Bunget in 2002 with 'N Crugu Bradului, which made a strong impression on me, only to fall under the spell even deeply with OM. The least I can say is that 2010 started out with great releases from Nechochwen, Bifrφst and now with this latest release from Negura Bunget.
Ambient/ ghostly keyboards, Transylvanian lyrics, eerie atmosphere, traditional instruments including pan flute, xylophone and black metal elements combine to form a quite unique sonic structure. You know you are into Romanian territories, plunged directly into their folklore and you can almost smell their land and feel their spirits. Virstele Pamintului is jam- packed with atmosphere and folksy parts, especially in the first half of the album. Then, more black metal tonalities are brought into play. Still, the Transylvania spell works his way through to your ears. At some point, on "Arborele Lumii", you are right into darkness and mysticism in this great and ghostly instrumental piece. There are quite a few acoustic guitar moments scattered throughout this excellent album, as well as some more traditional stringed instruments. The compositions are lengthy and pretty elaborate while avoiding falling into the type of music that goes nowhere, so to speak. Of the nine tracks, "Pamint", " Umbra" and Arborele Lumii" are my favorite pieces.
Track listing:
1 Pamint
2 Dacia Hiperboreana
3 Unbra
4 Ochiul Inimii
5 Chei de Roua
6 Tara de Dincolo de Negura
7 Jar
8 Arborele Lumii
9 Intoarcerea Amurgului
Added: July 15th 2010 Reviewer: Denis Brunelle Score: Related Link: Band MySpace Page Hits: 4520 Language: english
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Negura Bunget: Virstele Pamintului Posted by Pete Pardo, SoT Staff Writer on 2010-07-15 09:42:03 My Score:
Virstele Pamintului is my first taste of the Transylvania black metal act Negura Bunget, and it certainly won't be my last. Not willing to take the easy way out and release a Norwegian styled blast beat/tremelo picked shred fest, Negura Bunget incorporate plenty of atmosphere, nature sounds, choirs, and symphonics into their majestic repertoire. Though there's plenty of fury and menace here, the band doesn't pummel you to death with brutality, instead using their extreme metal thunder to incorporate ferocious visions in between their gorgeous soundscapes.
Tracks such as "Umbra" and "Dacia Hiperboreana" just drip with tranquil atmosphere, but there's an undercurrent of terror that builds and builds, so when the band unleash into full blown black metal chaos, it's all the more enjoyable. Expect plenty of vocal styles here (all sung in their native tongue), from clean operatic passages, to deathly growls and evil rasps & screams.
A wide assortment of folk instruments, sound effects, and keyboard layerings mix in with the extreme metal bombast, making for a wildly enjoyable album that has plenty of variety. This is one of the most unique black metal albums you'll hear this year, so make sure to seek this one out.
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