Everyone has been telling me I should try a little therapy. I have resisted for quite some time until the folks at Metal Mind Productions tried to convince me that I might benefit from it by sending the album High Anxiety. While I cannot say that my Therapy? session improved my mental state, I would have to say that this band which is a witty and at times comical version of Green Day did bring a smile here and there.
Therapy? has been around since 1989 and this is the ninth release from the band. While they have had their ups and downs the band is still going strong and this disc shows them in one of their most creative periods. With a charm that is hard to dislike, these punkish rockers at the very least have a good time at what they are doing.
With songs that will have you grinning like the opener "Hey Satan-You Rock" the band delivers a high energy rock and roll with a metal edge that is very similar to the type of stuff that you hear from the afore mentioned Green Day but Therapy? does so with the tongue firmly planted in cheek and will if nothing else give you a good feeling after listening to the disc. Musically they are not treading into any new territory but they do manage to keep it very entertaining and spirited to say the least. When you add to that their ability to bring a good dose of humor with their music it makes for an album that will beg to come out when you need to have a little cheer me up.
For those that like some attitude and energetic rock and roll, look no further. These guys are a lot of fun in a Ramones meets Billie Joe Armstrong kind of way. Though they may not be the most original and will never be on a greatest bands of all time list, they are a group that will at least make you feel better after a spin. I don't know why I have resisted the Therapy? for so long! Metal Mind has once again given you the chance to get acquainted with a band that should have done better the first time around. This disc was originally released in 2003 and I feel left out that I missed the 10 years that I could have been enjoying it!
Track listing:
1. Hey Satan – You Rock
2. Who Knows
3. Stand In Line
4. Nobody Here But Us
5. Watch You Go
6. If It Kills Me
7. Not In Any Name
8. My Voodoo Doll
9. Limbo
10. Last Blast
11. Rust