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Raunchy: Velvet Noise (remaster)

Metal Mind Productions has once again done an excellent job of re-releasing this amazing debut, Velvet Noise from the brilliant Danish band Raunchy. Originally released in 2001, this digipack re-release finds Raunchy in their early and glorious stages. Borrowing from elements of Fear Factory, Misery Loves Co. and Front Line Assembly, Raunchy roll their collective Hardcore, Melodic Death Metal, and Industrial influences into a sure winner with Velvet Noise.

With the bombastic opening to the killer, "Twelve Feet Tall", Raunchy hit the ground running with an almost Industrial sounding and yet melodic and hum out loud break down of a chorus. They hit their stride and you get a vibe for what these guys are all about, powerful with great vocal melody, while staying heavy as hell. Raunchy don't disappoint. Velvet Noise is a 10 track CD that is superbly produced with excellent vocals from Lars Vognstrup ranging from a Corey Taylor-ish (Slipknot/Stone Sour) style to a Burton C. Bell type of haunting delivery.

Raunchy just drop a heavy groove like no other and with the top notch killer guitar tone, riffage and just awe-inspiring drumming, songs like, "Leech", "Drive", "Innight" and "Out Of Sight" and "My Game" are the types of songs that should have been heard by the masses with the original release of this record back in '01. These guys just flat out crush! Raunchy effectively use double bass thumping with heavy guitar riffing AND synth on top of it all and just nail it! You want something to headbang to? Then this is the record for you. It's impossible not to find your head moving.

Raunchy are an original band that does show their influences but do not "copy" them. Velvet Noise is a KILLER CD full of heavy grooves, and melodic choruses that fans of newer bands like Mnemic, Fear My Thoughts and Mercenary will just eat up. I love Raunchy but had never heard this debut until now and I love it. You can also check out my review of their later release Death Pop Romance in the archives here on the site. Velvet Noise is a must have of a metal release! Pick this CD up, you will not be disappointed. These guys are easily a Danish secret that deserve not to be. I love these guys…Spread The Word!!!

Track Listing
1. Twelve Feet Tall
2. Bleeding
3. Drive
4. Tonight
5. Leech
6. My Game
7. Crack of Dawn
8. Out of Sight
9. This is Not an Exit
10. Never Be

Added: October 7th 2009
Reviewer: Butch Jones
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2377
Language: english

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