Formed 15 years ago as a duo with John Orsi and Michael Watson, the ethereal instrumental collective Knitting By Twilight has evolved into an ongoing effort with Orsi leading the way. (Watson has since left the group.) The five-song EP Riding the Way Back, which does more with percussion in 19-and-a-half minutes than many instrumental outfits can muster in an hour, culls leftover tracks from the sessions for Knitting by Twlight's most recent album, An Evening Out of Town. Moody and manipulative, the sounds here represent a band in the throes of successful sonic experimentation. "Shiver" opens the EP with a stomping, metallic minor-key romp before settling into a lovely lullaby. From there, portentous percussion steers "Mik's Glacier," fuzzy atonal power chords punctuate the atmospheric "She's Here" and the danceable "Blue Ink for Fountain Pens" exudes a cinematic flair. As for the closing track, "Twirling Guitars and Glad Tambourines" — well, the title says it all.
Based on what's here, Knitting by Twilight's back-catalog is well worth checking out.
Track Listing:
1) Shiver
2) Mik's Glacier
3) She's Here
4) Blue Ink for Fountain Pens
5) Twirling Guitars and Glad Tambourines