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Music From The Film: World War Tree

Music From The Film is a two piece project consisting of Gary Young (guitars, keyboards, and a variety of strange instruments) and Arthur Harrison (theremin, vocals, cacophonator). World War Tree is the follow up to their first entitled Playfully Abrasive, apparently continuing in a similar vein. This is not music in the strictest sense but strange percussion sounds, weird sound effects, and spoken word segments that apparently tell a story but it completely lost me right from the buzzing chainsaw in the opening track. As a matter of fact, I found the entire CD to be quite unlistenable. With no sense of melody, at least none that I could detect, and an apparent lack of song structure, there is little that holds the album together. I thought bands like Pere Ubu were weird but this one takes the proverbial cake. Describing individual songs would be an exercise in futility, so I will not go there. I suppose if you fancy albums completely inundated with sound effects and spoken word segments you may find something of value here. For everyone else, enter at your own peril. This one earns one star because of the feline vocals on tracks 12 and 13. Yes, you read it right, the meowing cat provides one of the only highlights.

Track Listing:
1. Opening Scene (1:12)
2. Gold Doesn't Grow On Trees (2:04)
3. A Matter Of Taste (2:56)
4. Come And See (2:02)
5. Hunting Bonsai (2:19)
6. Grandmother Willow (1:56)
7. Ernest Saves (5:26)
8. Stump Grinder (2:01)
9. Bike (3:04)
10. Space Debris (10:31)
11. Klowns (1:17)
12. Open The Fucking Door! (3:07)
13. The Arborist (2:12)
14. Preparing For The Vista Clearing (6:59)
15. Theme From World War Tree (4:13)

Added: August 13th 2009
Reviewer: Jon Neudorf
Related Link: Band's MySpace Page
Hits: 2991
Language: english

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