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Leaves' Eyes: My Destiny

As if the alluring photo of Liv Kristine on the cover of the EP My Destiny isn't enough to entice you, this precursor to their upcoming full-length Njord contains just enough music to get Leaves' Eye's fanbase salivating in anticipation of the soon to be released CD. The great thing about this extended single, or EP as we call it, is that three of the tracks, 'The Battle of Maldon", "Nine Wave Maidens", and the cover of Simon & Garfunkle's "Scarborough Fair" will not be included on the upcoming Njord, which is all the more reason to add this to your Leaves' Eye collection.

The title track "My Destiny" is sure to be a huge hit with the loyal fans of this Nordic Symphonic Metal act. Complete with orchestral synths, punchy guitar riffs, and Liv's soaring vocals, this is a catchy number that also adds some gruff vocals from Alexander Krull, perfectly complementing his wife's gorgeous crooning. "The Battle of Maldon" sounds like vintage Nightwish, majestic piano and synths providing the springboard for crunchy riffs and the battle between Liv's operatic vocals and Alexander's growls. Instantly memorable and hugely epic, "The Battle of Maldon" is sure to be a future classic. An acoustic rendition of "Scarborough Fair" is tender and honest, with some added flutes for a nice touch, Liv really giving a poignant performance, and the bombastic "Northbound" sees the band going back to what they do so well, combining symphonic arrangements with rock firepower, pop melodies, and classical leanings. "Nine Wave Maidens" is a fantasy tinged number with a medieval feel, acoustic guitars brimming with magic while Liv's vocals intoxicate much like a young Annie Haslam from Rennaissance. There's also a remix of the title track included here, which quite frankly is not as interesting as the regular mix, and focuses more on atmospherics and techno beats than the straight ahead symphonic bombast that we will hear on the upcoming CD Njord.

In summary, this little EP has gotten this reviewer more than a little psyched for the upcoming Njord release, so in essence, Leaves' Eyes & Napalm Records, job accomplished!

Track Listing
1) My Destiny
2) The Battle of Maldon
3) Scarborough Fair
4) Nortbound
5) Nine Wave Maidens
6) My Destiny (remix)

Added: January 29th 2010
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2183
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Leaves' Eyes: My Destiny
Posted by Ken Pierce, SoT Staff Writer on 2010-01-29 10:03:50
My Score:

Once again the band Leaves Eyes has delivered an EP of songs for us to enjoy as a prelude to their full-length release and as in the past it offers up the albums lead track in its full format and often also presents to us an edited or remixed version. The latter is the case with "My Destiny" and while the song itself is strong, I hardly saw the need to offer a reworked version since it's too new a song to my ears. The other great thing about the Leaves Eyes EP's is that they are the place to find tracks that for some reason or another are left off of the full recording but instead of being swept away from the studio floor we get them here. As expected the tracks work very well with the title track and are quite good as opposed to being something that one might throw into the bin or hope is never heard again based on its being so damn bad. New tracks come via "The Battle Of Maldon" and "Nine Wave Maidens" and I had to say that I really liked the first one based on just how powerful it was at certain points. It's a soaring track when it comes down to it. They also include an acoustic version of "Scarborough Fair" that is rather charming and a nice difference from the one that we found on "Njord" which had a much more Metal feel to it. This is one of my very favorite tunes of all time in the first place so I like seeing it done justice. "Northbound" is the only other track from "Njord" on the EP and while a solid tune in its own right I wondered what made them choose this one as opposed to something like "Irish Rain" which I felt was just a little bit better.

This EP is also the first time that the bands fans get to hear the group's newest members with Seven Antonopoulos on drums and Alla Fedynitch on bass. The musicians replace Chris and Moritz who played bass and drums in the band for years. Welcome to the band folks and for the rest of you, be sure to check out the bands newest album "Njord" and their excellent DVD "We Came With The Northern Winds".

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