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Arkaea: Years In Darkness

Arkaea are a new group with two very able members from the long running metal band Fear Factory, being guitarist Christian Olde Wolbers and drummer Raymond Herrera. Along for the ride are Threat Signal members vocalist Jon Howard and bass player Pat Kavanagh. Arkaea's debut album, titled Years In Darkness, is comprised of thirteen vigorous metal tracks. Now that Burton Bell has surprisingly reunited with original Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cavaleres, Wolbers and Herrera have taken these songs, which were slated to be a part of the next FF album, and Arkaea have certainly taken part of that Fear Factory style and added to it, with some brutal consequences.

Arkaea certainly don't hide their intentions with the explosive and aggressive track "Locust", the trend continues during the tracks on Years In Darkness, with the exception of track thirteen "Away From The Sun" the albums calmest song. Years In Darkness has its merits, it's certainly a fairly relentless album, featuring predominantly furious vocals and demolishing instrumentation. There is also a version available with the bonus track "Blackened Sky", another fierce number.

At times perhaps I would have liked some more hooks and variety in amongst the bombardment of heavy metal ferocity. Despite this Arkaea's Years In Darkness is a pleasing and most definitely angry debut, and one CD fans of extreme music should certainly check out.

Track List
1. Locust
2. Beneath the Shades of Grey
3. Years in the Darkness
4. Gone Tomorrow
5. Awakening
6. Black Ocean
7. Break the Silence
8. Lucid Dreams
9. My Redemption
10. War Within
11. The World As One
12. Rise Today
13. Away From the

Added: August 23rd 2009
Reviewer: Scott Jessup
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 3387
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Arkaea: Years In Darkness
Posted by Scott Ward, SoT Staff Writer on 2009-08-23 05:56:49
My Score:

Half the songs from this disc were supposed to become the newest Fear Factory album. I guess we can thank them for not pursuing that venture as the resulting collaboration between Fear Factory's guitarist Christian Olde Wolbers and drummer Raymond Herrera with Threat Signal bassist Pat Kavanagh and vocalist Jon Howard is a worthwhile bit of metal mayhem that really benefits from the partnership.

Howard's gravely clean vocals along with his biting screams and menacing growls make a dynamic impact on the way this disc comes across. Songs like my favorite "Beneath The Shades Of Grey" and "Awakening" have a much more melodic flavor thanks to his ability to actually sing! Don't get me wrong, this album is heavy as hell but there are portions throughout the disc where they show that this group is capable of much more than just a grinding hardcore barrage.

About the only thing that I can say negative about this disc is that there is a sameness to most of the songs. The formula of a hardcore beginning, followed by a clean singing chorus and a metal onslaught to end the tune is a theme that is used time and again. I would have liked to see them stretch their obvious ability a bit more and I am sure that we will be rewarded on the next offering from these guys. Make no mistake though, this is one powerful metal CD that has become a regular companion for me. The copy that I received has the bonus European track "Blackened Sky". If you can find this version, it is a very worthwhile addition!

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