Magus is a 9-piece project masterminded by multi-instrumentalist Andrew Robinson; joined by various members of Cross, Starcastle, Simba, The Red Masque, and Aloha Steamtrain.
The disc is unabashed symphonic progressive rock which incorporates pastoral soundscapes with folk elements and just enough pomp to balance things out. It appears to be conceptual in nature as the latter 3 songs seem tied in with the 24:25 title track. Filled with haunting melodies and better than average vocals ( alas, too little of The Red Masque's Lynette Shelley )this record is instantly likeable for fans of melancholic musical landscapes. Textured with acoustic guitar, flute, concert harp, and various analog keyboards; all in equilibrium with tasty instrumental forays; this is a solid effort from cover to cover. The band also plays 2 songs in real time , adding an element of improvisational flair to an otherwise highly orchestrated disc. Recommended.