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Cain's Dinasty: Legacy of Blood

For a melodic power metal debut, Legacy of Blood may be one of the best first offerings in quite some time. Combining speed, melody and majestic goth elements, Cain's Dinasty has produced an album that might remind you of the likes of Gamma Ray or maybe even the Nostradamus version of Judas Priest, but they add such a distinct flavor that you will be drawn in by their tenacious guitar work, soaring vocals of Ruben Picazo and the overall tantalizing light/dark feel of this album.

Drawing their name from the supposed father of all vampires, Cain's Dinasty have created a wonderfully dramatic work that pulls you into the darkly romantic world of Dracula's kindred. From the opening bombastic display of majestic metal, the title track "Legacy of Blood", Cain's Dinasty sets a tone that makes you think of castles and dark eerie nights where you might just want to check that red wine your host is serving. You will then be looking in the dark corners with the ominous opening chant of "Two Seconds To Forget Your Name". Ruben uses a snarling darker vocal style here that emphasizes the menacing theme.

Even when the band slows it down as with the richly orchestrated "Remember The Tragedy", they are still in full metal mode as the twin guitars of Roberto Garcia and J.J. Ruiz blast you with a fury that makes the melodic slower parts all the more dramatic. On the piano sections of the song "Come To Me" Ruben captures the romantic and haunting quality of their storyline perfectly before thundering guitars emphasize the point.

Overall this is one of those pleasant surprises you find every so often. This is a band that works well on so many levels and to think, this is only their debut! You also have to love a band that has such a great album art. What can be better than a lesbian, vampire threesome! This is most definitely a band to watch. I expect great things from them in the years to come.

Track listing:

1. Legacy of Blood
2. Two Seconds To Forget Your Name
3. Under The City Lights
4. Remember The Tragedy
5. The Journey
6. Tears of Pain
7. Infancia Eterna
8. Come To Me
9. Taking A Look

Added: December 17th 2008
Reviewer: Scott Ward
Related Link: Bands Official Page
Hits: 2939
Language: english

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