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Panic Cell: What Doesn't Kill Us

British metal band Panic Cell have re-released their CD, What Doesn't' Kill Us (Renaissance Records). This 11 track CD is high on groove heavy riffing and also filled with chorus killing plodding blah, a mix that could spell confusing disaster.

At first listen, the beginning riffing of Panic Cell's tunes hooks you right by the balls. But then their barre chord ringing chorus' that are so opposite to what they led you into from the intro's and verses, just become a turn-off. Almost each and every song on "What Doesn't Kill Us" shows some sort of promise, until those ill fated chorus'.

Take CD closer, "Dead To Me", with its interesting intro riff that leads into some heavy bashing. Sounds good right? But then the chorus hits & ruins the heavy plodding. Most of their chorus' are like this. Much promise and much disappointment in delivery. However, Metal guru, Andy Sneap, mixed this record and was able to help bring the heaviness of Panic Cell, which reminds me a bit of a not as good Brand New Sin, circa their first excellent CD.

What Doesn't Kill Us is a tad all over the place. There are bits of gleaming hope on some songs, but ultimately their lack of writing a suitable chorus for those songs does them in. The chorus' are very sophomoric and almost garage band like. Production is top notch though and if these could write a complete song to go along with the great production, they'll have something. The record doesn't suck, but finding a few songs to like from pillar to post is a bit of a stretch. However, "Human Tarmac" is a CD highlight.

With the great production as a hope of better things to come, Panic Cell need to go back to the drawing board and come up with some better finished songs to crack Metal heads CD players & iPods.

Track Listing

  1. From Father To Son
  2. Stare Into Oblivion
  3. Human Tarmac
  4. Fallen
  5. Forced Down
  6. Soul Purge
  7. Calm
  8. HillBilly
  9. Bleed To This
  10. Walk Away
  11. Dead To Me

Added: December 1st 2008
Reviewer: Butch Jones
Related Link: Band's MySpace Page
Hits: 2313
Language: english

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