If you take a look at the track list below, you'll notice that the song titles spell out the name of the CD, which is None...pretty sad that I'm leading into this review with something so trivial, but the folks in Man's Last Great Invention don't leave me much more to talk about here. Ambient drone is the name of the game here, six tracks of effects laden chanted vocals, distant synth washes, assorted blips & bleeps, stuff that seemingly goes nowhere yet covers quite a lot of distance. Much of None just meanders along at a snails pace, and it's not until the fifth track that you hear any sort of menace or change of tone, that one being a dark and unsettling space exploration that works for the most part. Not quite avant-garde, not enough electronic, plenty of drone...tough one to call, but if you like this sort of thing, then by alll means give it a try.
Track Listing
1) n
2) o
3) n
4) e
5) ..