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Spyder Baby: Let Us Prey

Hailing from Detroit, Michigan comes one of the most unique bands to come along this year. Spyder Baby, led by flamboyant lead singer Stevie Banch, will certainly please those who yearn for the heavy industrial sound that has been primarily the property of Marilyn Manson in recent times. Though they may have a sound somewhat similar, don't in anyway think that they are just another clone band. They bring a style and Alice Cooperish morbid sense of humor into this genre that makes for a terrific bit of rock and roll.

Opening the album with a little spoken word intro that describes what we all think is the typical road a rock star travels, the band takes off from there and launches you into the world of Spyder Baby. With a savage fury, "Bugs Crawl In" shows you just what this band is made of. Once you are caught in the web, there is no getting out! With an intensity that borders on maniacal, Banch and company continue their brutal sensory assault throughout this disc with a guitar sound that is as heavy as anything that has come out of the motor city in years. When you add to that the unique vocal style of Stevie it makes for an incendiary combination that threatens to melt the speakers and leave a sonic path of destruction in its wake! Al Jogensen of Ministry found something in these guys that he liked, so much so that he asked Banch to help him with his side project The Revolting Cocks.

For some really intense metal with just a touch wry humor, this is a very cool album. Being from the area, I was pleasantly surprised to find a local artist with this kind of talent. I know that there are many, but Spyder Baby has all the pieces of the puzzle put together and it should carry them to much bigger and better things.

Personally I was drawn to the fierce "Lips Of Red" and the creepy rock and roll funhouse extravaganza "The Worms". This pair of songs show the wide diversity of the band and there is some dynamite music on both ends of the spectrum.

Track listing
1. Rock Star
2. Bugs Crawl In
3. Goodbye
4. Days Go On
5. All The Hits
6. Bitter
7. Watch You Die
8. Lips Of Red
9. Sex Action
10. The Worms
11. We All Fall Down
12. Sacred Heart
13. Raining When I Go
14. Kill The King

Added: October 29th 2008
Reviewer: Scott Ward
Related Link: Band's MySpace Page
Hits: 2304
Language: english

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