Les Fragments de la Nuit is a French quintet started by Michel Villar (piano)
and Ombeline Chardes (violin) who are score composers for film. The quintet
consists of three violinists, a cellist and a pianist. There are also female
vocals add to four tracks on the CD, these voices are used like instruments and
no words are sung. Musique de Crepuscule is their debut CD and the music
is written about the night. Crepuscule is the time of day right after the
sunset. If you imagine the stillness, darkness or loneliness of the night you
have a general idea of the feeling of the album. Most of pieces on the CD are
short tracks ranging from about one to four minutes long. Each track seems to
convey a different mood, but overall there is a melancholic feeling to the CD.
As a point of reference I would compare their music to the works of Philip
Glass, Steve Reich or Dead Can Dance. The track Assault uses the effect of each
instrument playing a simple repetitive part and slowly adding the parts together
culminating into beautiful and emotional pieces similar to Philip Glass.
Solitude the seventh track on the CD is a solo piano piece that is played very
delicately with very few notes and really conveys the solitude of night. Another
track that stood out for me was Solarisation. This track starts out with the
violins playing a drone that has a slight swirling effect to it. This fades and
the piano comes in with some low register notes played long and slow giving an
eerie feeling to the piece. The violins come back in and play against a soft
simple piano line creating a tension, similar to what one my feel walking at
night and not knowing what is around the next corner. These are just some
examples of how well the quintet can paint a picture of the night with their
When I listen to this CD I can imagine walking along the ocean or in a field
at night with only the moonlight guiding my way. Les Fragments de la Nuit have
created a beautiful soundtrack for the night. I would recommend this CD to
anyone that likes modern classical music, soundtracks, for someone wanting soft
emotional music with touch of darkness, or anyone the enjoys splendor of the
Track Listing
01. Eveil des Fées
02. Assault
03. La Ronde des Fées
04. Entre Ciel et Fer
05. Devenons Demain I
06. Devenons Demain II
07. Solitude
08. Solarisation
09. La Chambre des Fées
10. Soleils Noirs pour Lune Blanche
11. La Mélodie de la Tête
12. Le Château Enchanté
13. Le Scarabée Bleu
14. Soleils Noirs pour Lune Blanche - Tango
15. Les Eaux Dormantes
16. Alpha du Centaure