Sirhan Sirhan: Blood
Hmmm… what do we have here, a band consisting of three transplanted mid westerners who relocate to the west coast, form a band, name it after the man convicted of assassinating Robert Kennedy, and fittingly title their debut album Blood, which of course also comes fully equipped with the requisite visuals to ensure the message gets across. Normally I'd be wary about what appears to be nothing more than blatantly obvious shock tactics but these Ritalin running through their veins twenty something year olds certainly have the goods musically to back up the image, not to mention the adrenalin. Taking a gander at these song titles should give you a pretty good idea of what you're in for, hell take it a step further and follow along with the lyrics and it becomes fairly obvious that Blood is actually a full blown concept album. Ok that might be a bit of an exaggeration but these guys do bring it to the table, impressively ripping off eleven songs in just twenty five minutes, with a plethora of volatile guitar riffs, super amped up tempos and brash, snot nosed vocals. Only album closer "Don't Shoot" which is a veritable exercise in mid tempo sludge, offers any kind of real respite from their unrelenting battering of the senses, but by that time it's too late anyway, because bang, bang! You're dead.
Track Listing
1) Rise
2) All Aboard
3) Remove My Eyes
4) Chop Chop
5) Burn It Down
6) Decapitate / Disintegrate
7) Surgery
8) Time To Bleed
9) The Maggot Sings
10) Blood
11) Don't Shoot
Added: October 2nd 2008 Reviewer: Ryan Sparks Score: Related Link: Official Band Site Hits: 2243 Language: english
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