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Behexen: My Soul For His Glory

One of Black Metal's most respected bands Behexen makes a triumphant return with their third full length release My Soul For His Glory, which is their debut for Moribund Records. Four years ago this Finnish outfit not only set the bar quite high for themselves but for the genre as a whole with By The Blessing Of Satan which was an extremely brutal and punishing slab of unrelenting BM mayhem.

While My Soul For His Glory doesn't quite match the sheer intensity and breakneck tempos of BTBOS the band has made some significant sonic upgrades this time around. First of all the production is above average with the guitars sounding a bit beefier in the mix, while both the bass and drums sound absolutely pristine. Also as far as the drums go thankfully Behexen doesn't rely that much on blast beats or triggers which is quite refreshing. The songs themselves are primarily, crushing, mid tempo behemoths (see "My Soul for His Glory" and "My Stigmas Bleeding Black") yet they often mix things up by repeatedly alternating the tempos within the song. This not only helps in taking these compositions to the next level but it also keeps things from getting monotonous as well. "Born in the Serpent of the Abyss" and "Cathedral of the Ultimate Void" are perfect examples of the band utilizing this method. As for the vocals, well let's just say that the harsh screams and growling vocals of Hoath Torog is the ideal match for these punishing grooves. Personally I think "Let The Horror and Chaos Come" and the title track are the real standouts here, however as a whole My Soul For His Glory is definitely one fierce sounding slab of hate from beginning to end and without a doubt worthy of your Black Metal dollars!

Track Listing
1) Let The Horror and Chaos Come
2) Born in the Serpent of the Abyss
3) Demonic Fleshtemple
4) O.O.O.
5) Cathedral of the Ultimate Void
6) My Soul for His Glory
7) And All Believers Shall Be Damned
8) My Stigmas Bleeding Black

Added: September 18th 2008
Reviewer: Ryan Sparks
Related Link: Moribund Records
Hits: 2646
Language: english

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