Formed as a Death Metal super group of sorts in the mid 90's Hateplow brought together members of Malevolent Creation (guitarist Phil Fasciana) and Cannibal Corpse (guitarist Rob Barrett) with the basic intention of creating an album of straight ahead, and most importantly brutal Death Metal. For the most part their debut Everybody Dies, originally released by Pavement Records in 1998 and now lovingly re-issued by the folks at Metal Mind, accomplishes exactly that. The band was rounded out by the late Larry Hawke (dead before the album was released) on drums, bassist Tim Scott (Revenant) and ex-Sickness vocalist Kyle Symons.
Musically Everybody Dies is a full on exercise in brutality, with copious amounts of heavy, savage, twin guitar riffage which is right up in your face nonstop for the full forty five minutes. Hawke's incessant blast beats absolutely bludgeon the listener, insuring the tempos never wane, while Symons delivers up these nasty little ditties in a typical, but certainly effective guttural style. Lyrics are definitely the weak point here and the majority of these song titles are pretty self explanatory and tell you all you need to know, ("Prison Bitch", "$20.00 Blow Job", "Ass To Mouth Resuscitation" and "Anally Annie" for example) so if you're looking for any deep or hidden meanings, best to look elsewhere. However if sick, twisted lyrics that often border on simple minded stupidity are up your alley then Everybody Dies hits the proverbial jackpot. The two bonus tracks which follow the final cut "Born With Both" (about a hermaphrodite no less), a smashing cover of Cream's "Sunshine Of Your Love" and "Pepe Lopez Song" effectively demonstrates more musical ability than anything featured in the previous fourteen tracks.
In closing Everybody Dies is a prime example of brutal Death Metal done right and is executed almost flawlessly from start to finish. While it's not exactly original, it is effective nonetheless.
Track Listing
1) Everybody Dies
2) Stalker
3) Prison Bitch
4) $20.00 Blow Job
5) Challenged
6) The Gift Giver
7) Crackdown
8) In The Ditch
9) Ass To Mouth Resuscitation
10) Compound
11) Ante Up
12) Anally Annie
13) Denial
14) Born With Both / Sunshine Of Your Love / Pepe Lopez Song