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Six Minute Century: Time Capsules

Apparently, fans have told members of Houston's Six Minute Century that they sound like a hearty mix of Savatage, Dio, Dream Theater, Fates Warning and TNT. Impressive? You bet — especially since what the band's fans say happens to be dead accurate.

The title Time Capsules makes this debut CD seem like a best-of collection, and in a way it is. The 10 songs here bridge the finest elements of those aforementioned bands: "Zero Hour" (Savatage), "Get Your Wings" (Dio), "April 19, 1995" (Dream Theater), "Under the Moonlight" (Fates Warning) and "The Perfect Picture" (TNT). Throw in some Metallica-like riffing at the end of "Saved in Time" and arpeggios galore on the Yngwie-eseque instrumental "Guitar Concierto," and you've got a solid metal album without a single dud track.

With half of these songs spanning longer than six minutes (coincidental, given the quartet's name?), these guys have plenty of time and room to spread out musically while lyrically tackling such topics as the war in Iraq and the Oklahoma City bombing. Likewise, vocalist Chuck Williams reaches far and wide, sounding comfortable singing both power metal and arena rock. Six Minute Century belongs on the ProgPower USA stage.

Track Listing:
1) Under the Moonlight
2) The Perfect Picture
3) One Man's Dream
4) April 19, 1995
5) Zero Hour
6) Guitar Concierto
7) Saved n Time
8) Heaven's Gate
9) Get Your Wings
10) Seven Seas

Added: September 6th 2008
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Official Six Minute Century Web Site
Hits: 3258
Language: english

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