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Architects: Ruin

It has to be tough on all these hardcore bands trying to break into the metal scene, as they try to inject complex, almost prog-like arrangements and varied vocal styles into their brutal sound in hopes of gaining an expanded fanbase. Take the UK's Architects for instance-their new Century Media release Ruin is at its core a hardcore album, and a pretty good one at that, brutal as all hell, with chaotic bellows, crushing guitar riffs, and pounding rhythms ready to bash your brains into mush. The band however, in hopes of pulling in folks from the metal and prog camp, toss in some complex guitar riffery and solos, as well as the occasional 'emo' styled clean vocals, not always working to their advantage. "You'll Find Safety" is a good example of all of these elements coming together, a fairly groove-laden 'core piece, with lots of tricky guitar fills, but in the end the added sweet vocal melodies just don't fit. On "Always", there's some cool guitar harmonies, showing that these guys can really play their instruments, but was there really a need to add in the cliched breakdowns? If Archetects take the cue from tracks "Buried At Sea" and "Save Me", where they allow their experimental side come to the forefront but working with their core sound, or even better yet on "Sail This Ship Alone", where things take on an almost Mastodon-meets-ISIS stance, the band might have better luck. "North Lane" has some wild Gorguts-ish guitar rakes on what is just a brutal death-core number, and "Low" is an almost doomy yet melodic piece with some hellish screams from singer Sam Carter.

Overall, Ruin is not bad at all, and there's plenty to recommend here, but I just think that Architects still have yet to find their true identity, and their best work is still yet to come.

Track Listing
1. Buried at Sea
2. Hunt Them Down
3. You'll Find Safety
4. Always
5. Sail This Ship Alone
6. Heartless
7. North Lane
8. I Can't See the Light
9. Low
10. Running from the Sun
11. Save Me

Added: August 1st 2008
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band's My Space Page
Hits: 2455
Language: english

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