Arcane Order, The: In the Wake of Collisions
Metal Blade's first ever 'digital only' release here in the US is the sophomore platter from The Arcane Order, titled In the Wake of Collisions. In an age when CD's are seemingly on life-support, this is a big step for the veteran label. Kind of sucks for the band though, as I'm sure there are plenty of metal fans here in the States that would have shelled out the bucks for a hard copy (the CD is available in Europe), but it's an experiment that would have happened eventually, and they seem to be the guinea pigs. Back to In the Wake of Collisions...this is actually very solid symphonic thrash, falling somewhere along the lines of melodic black metal and the raging cacophony that is/was Strapping Young Lad. Plenty of screams & growls abound here, along with scorching riffs (and plenty of shredding leads as well!), spooky keyboards, and face melting drum blasts. Most of the tunes here are in the 5+ minute range, so there's a lot to sink your teeth into throughout In the Wake of Collisions. Highlights are the intense blackened thrash of "Death Is Imminent", the blast beat mania that is "The Serpent Tower" (some absolutely sick drumming on this one), the brutal yet symphonic epic "Eruptions of Red", and the technical death/black metal juggernaut piece "Unleash the Tyrant". Overall there's not a clunker in the bunch, just a collection of nine groove-laden, symphonic, extreme metal numbers that work on all levels.
Track Listing
- Death Is Imminent
- Between Reason And Hubris
- The Serpent Tower
- Eruptions Of Red
- When Oceans Become Deserts
- Unleash The Tyrant
- The Reaping Reverence
- Sanctity Of Allegiance
- Horizons Buried
Added: March 29th 2008 Reviewer: Pete Pardo Score: Related Link: Band's My Space Page Hits: 2547 Language: english
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