With Blood Comes Cleansing follows up their popular Golgotha release with the equally brutal Horrors, a truly frightening collection of 12 songs that run the gamut of all we love about death-core. Want a frenzied mix of tortured screams, evil growls, and incomprehensible grunts? Check! Crave some ridiclously blistering drum work? Check! Have a hankering for waves of non-stop metal guitar mayhem? Check!
At just over 30 minutes, things move along pretty quickly here, with each track barely over the 2 1/2 minute range, but they manage to get in the required amount of breakdowns, maniacal vocals, and sledgehammer riffs in each cut here. To mix things up a bit, they even throw in a little sing-along styled hardcore on "The Suffering", which sounds a out of place here amongst the pulverizing extreme metal of tunes like "Blood and Fire" and "Foresaken", but it does add a few moments of rest, if you can call it that. The band does a good job of varying tempos on some of these tunes, which works well as otherwise much of Horrors would sound quite monotonous. Slow 'n' thick doom riffs compete with blistering rhythms and technical passages on tracks such as "Abaddon's Horde " and the title track, keeping the listener constantly on his/her toes, and the crushing "Carnivorous Consumption" is just a great example of furious contemporary death metal with all the trimmings. Add in plenty of Christian themed lyrics and you have one very interesting extreme metal album from these lads from Georgia.
Track Listing
1. Intro
2. Hematidrosis
3. Condemned
4. Foresaken
5. Filthy Stains
6. The Suffering
7. Blood And Fire
8. Abaddon's Horde
9. Horror
10. Carnivorous Consumption
11. Damnation
12. Eternal Reign