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Averse Sefira: Advent Parallax

Although they've been around since the mid-1990's, Advent Parallax is Averse Sefira's first release for a major metal record label (Candlelight Records) after recording four albums on small independent labels over the years. After recent tours & shows with 1349, Dark Funeral, Watain, Rotting Christ, Immolation, and the mighty Emperor, this Texas based black metal trio take their new music to a much larger stage, and Advent Parallax more than shows them capable of impressing the extreme metal fans here in the US and abroad. For a trio, these guys have a solid wall of sound, not unlike the black metal roar of Immortal, featuring crazed blast beats, thunderous guitar riffage, rumbling bass lines, and excellent black metal growls. Tunes like "Viral Kinesis", "Descension", and "Serpent Recoil" provide many moments of crushing black metal, yet there's an underlying element of melody that makes these very extreme songs quite memorable. Take the raging "Refractions of an Exploded Singularity" for example, which is a bombastic inferno of venemous vocals, ripping tremelo picked guitar lines, and pummeling drum blasts, yet the song remains somewhat catchy, and the harmony guitar lines are well thought out. By the time the final piece "Vomitorium Angelis" surges through your speakers, you really become aware of just how epic and anthemic Averse Sefira can come across.

Bottom line is, quality black metal is not only coming out of Norway and Sweden these days, but in such odd places as Washington (Wolves in the Throne Room), California (Xasthur), Montana (Martriden), and now Texas, where we are seeing that some US bands really have a handle on delivering intriguing black metal that not only pays homage to the Norwegian greats, but offers up there own twist on the genre as well.

Track Listing
1. Descension
2. Seance in a Warrior's Memory
3. Viral Kinesis
4. Cognition of Rebirth
5. Serpent Recoil
6. A Shower of Idols
7. Refractions of an Exploded Singularity
8. Vomitorium Angelis

Added: February 13th 2008
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band's My Space Page
Hits: 3271
Language: english

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