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Darzamat: In the Opium of Black Veil

What are Tristania and Rhapsody doing mixing it up with baser metal? Why, of all genres to join, meld power metal with vomitcore? What is the use of wildly medieval trumpets, female vocals and choral wildlings, if all the above go just to supplement some gurgling and racking? Can you imagine slightly mournful male vox of the Witchfinder General stripe, masked with sudden surges of feminine vocalese, tending toward Nordic or Germanic paganism, yet splashed with the puke of some nasty Tolkien creature shorn of his "precious?"

If your imagination can indeed encompass all of the above, you're sicker than I thought! You -- the individual reader -- must have seen too darn many porn movies while peering at old issues of Robert E. Howard fanzines and listening to Yes albums on the original vinyl! Hypocrite lecteur, you are no berserker, but a friendless prog geek who finds the philosophy of Ayn Rand somehow stimulating! Seriously, folks, Darzamat make a daring noise unto the bored, wilted and otherwise jaded, but there's stonier opium than this. Pass.

Added: March 15th 2003
Reviewer: Alex S. Johnson
Related Link: Darzamat
Hits: 3104
Language: english

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