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Waterclime: Imaginative

Mr V of Vintersörg wrote, plays and sings all parts of this, his second solo album. This is folk tinged Scandinavian symphonic neo-prog with a good variety of keyboard textures enhancing the rich instrumental themes. Flute synths, orchestral and choral mellotron sequences and organs abound, most notably in the second track Flashes. Unlike his debut album Mr V has made a deliberate effort to create a more eclectic mix of styles with a few jazzy touches although the overall pace of each song still seems very similar. There are occasional pop sensibilities as well as Yes-like parts which remind me of US band Ad Infinitum such as in "The Angel and the Fireball" and "Starshine Theater".

The latter song is particularly Yes or maybe Starcastle like with a strong bass line, twin guitar parts, luxuriant organ textures and neatly woven synth and percussive embellishments; arguably the highlight of the album. Treated vocals even add to the complexity and at 8 minutes it is one of the longest pieces with plenty of development as a result. Some of the jazz ethics emerge in "Sunset Morning" with faint hints of Hatfield and the North in the percussion, keyboards and vocals. . Chicago like brass vibes join in on "Body migrated" whilst there is a metal edge to the closing song "Twilight", a good ending piece which rocks nicely.

The lyrics are thoughtful and competently delivered in good English with multi-layering in many places. Compositionally, this is a confident neo-prog collection, the focus being on the song structure rather than instrumental sequences or impressive solos.

Track Listing
1. Vision or Void
2. Flashes
3. The Angel and the Fireball
4. Moonstream Portrait
5. Starshine Theatre
6. A journey to the centre of the soul
7. Sunset morning
8. Body migrated
9. Twilight

Added: December 28th 2007
Reviewer: Richard Barnes
Related Link: Lion Music
Hits: 3364
Language: english

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