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Rocket Surgery: Rocket Surgery

Rocket Surgery are Joel Kennedy (synths, guitar, vocals, percussion) and Mark Ludas (drums, percussion), two lads from the East Coast (New York & New Jersey) who have obviously listened to a fair share of varied musical styles in their lifetime. This 22 track CD is literally all over the place stylistically, so much so that it will leave you dizzy with each spin. One minute you will be involved in some bizzaro Frank Zappa-inspired universe, the next cascading down a Rascal Reporters styled musical nightmare, and ultimately participating in what can only be described as a psychedelic love fest between Sonic Youth, King Crimson, The Chipmunks, Pink Floyd, and Captain Beefheart. Sound like something you might be interested in? Well, you definitely have to have a twisted love for avant-garde music to really appreciate this, as there's absolutely nothing commercially appealing about Rocket Surgery, the CD filled with instrumentation that is both dissonant and chaos driven, only occasionally giving way to arrangements that might be considered straightforward (the 60's Pink Floyd-influenced "Pompeii" being one of them, a real psych/heavy rock number with vocals that really works and seems to be a throwback to that era). More often than not, this will probably be seen by many as too much noodling, too many bleeps 'n blips, and just too unfocused to be taken seriously. Give Kennedy and Ludas credit for trying something completely different, but their offbeat mix of prog, psych, punk, avant-garde, waltz, and 50's & 60's pop will simply be too out there for most. Best bet is to sample some audio clips first before taking a naked dive into this melting pot of sound & styles.

Track Listing
1 Master Anthem
2 I Can't Hold It Down
3 Eyes in the Walls
4 Trainwreck
5 Five
6 Pompeii
7 1913
8 International Anthem
9 Time (Past, Present, Future, Post-Future)
10 Interlude 1
11 End of Side A
12 Driving No Car
13 The Internet
14 You Are Meant To Be Here
15 Two More Dreams
16 Heartbreak
17 Interlude 2
18 See You in the Past
19 Too Much Skin
20 Armageddon
21 8-Bit Waves
22 Introduction feat. Jen

Added: December 23rd 2007
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band's My Space Page
Hits: 2688
Language: english

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