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Accursed, The: Seasons Of The Scythe

Are you growing increasingly cynical over the assembly line style production style that plagues so many new releases? You may find a welcome reprieve with Seasons Of The Scythe. There is a raw production aesthetic that does an excellent job at capturing the energy of the performances that could, quite possibly, be recorded live in the studio. Imagine…no retakes, no second chances and more importantly no bullshit. It definitely is a meritous ethic to follow at the very least. As with many bands today, The Accursed are a hybrid of styles, primarily centered on blackened thrash--there is even a song called "The Black Thrash"-- and melodic death. The band is not afraid to show you where they came from in terms of influences either. You can also detect some Legacy era Testament style riffing in "Seasons Of The Scythe", more "New Order- like" in the clean guitar intro (right down to the strummed harmonics that end the figure) to "Funeral March" and maybe some "Slayerian" influences in the verse of "I Am Famine"; not to mention the eerie tremolo bar abuse in "Land of the Dead". Those influences are sitting on some pretty solid ground to find some inspiration; much better than some of the Shadows Fall'ish, mellow-core style supporting vocals found in "Fire of a 1000 Cities". That's a dark place where some of their influences are best left a secret. For the most part, they keep things pretty solid (plenty o' solos) and are not afraid to experiment a little. The clean guitar section in "Land of the Dead" is splendid as is the solitary symphonic flourish found in "Cold is the Grave" that works very nicely. One of the bands biggest weapons are the lead vocals of Jonathan Helme. He can go from a guttural belch to a raspy snarl not to far removed from, say, Alex Laiho territory. I also enjoy the way they layered the two together throughout, especially in "Armageddon Eulogy". One thing is for sure: This band will be an awesome band to catch live! That is something that the recording definitely gives you insider information on. The Accursed are an excellent band that is pulling it all together pretty nicely. Give them time to test what works in front of the crowd and it should all fall into place.

Track Listing
1. Deities and Demigods
2. Sawtoothesmile
3. Seasons of the Scythe
4. Fire of 1000 Cries
5. I Am Famine
6. Aftermath of Sorrow
7. The Rider
8. Land of the Dead
9. Slaughter the Gods
10. Cold is the Grave
11. Funeral March
12. The Black Thrash
13. Armageddon Eulogy

Added: November 16th 2007
Reviewer: Hugh Dark
Related Link: Band's My Space Page
Hits: 2287
Language: english

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