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Hearse: In These Veins

Ever wonder what happened to Johan Liiva, original lead singer for Arch Enemy? Well, the guy took some time off, then put together his own death metal band Hearse. In These Veins is the fourth release from these Swedes, produced by none other than Dan Swano. Making up the rest of this trio is guitarist Mattias Ljung and drummer Max Thornell. While the band clearly plays death metal, led by the gurgling growls of Liiva and crushing riffs of Ljung, there's plenty of melody and groove to be found here on In These Veins, as if the band has injected some blood from Motorhead, Entombed, KISS, ands AC/DC into their veins. Check out the stomp 'n' groove sounds of "Corroding Armour", complete with Ljung's tribute to Ace Frehley during his guitar solo, or the Motorhead gone death sounds of the speed demon "Intoxication", for examples of Hearse's unique style. However, if you are interested in pure death metal, then go no further than "House of Love", "Naked Truth", "Among the Forlorn", and the monstrous title track. The band also threw in a neat instrumental called "Hearse", which features some tight ensemble work from Liiva and Thornell, and lets Ljung show off some of his capable guitar chops.

In These Veins proves to be a tasty treat of thrash and death metal music, and shows a band that deserves more recognition than they have gotten so far. Perhaps this CD will change all of that.

Track Listing
1. House of Love
2. Corroding Armour
3. Intoxication
4. Naked Truth
5. Crusade
6. Among the Forlorn
7. Atrocious Recoil
8. Hearse
9. In These Veins

Added: August 19th 2007
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Hearse Website
Hits: 3526
Language: english

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