On its self-titled debut CD, Stormental gets swept up in a maelstrom of monotony, triggered by mind-numbing double-bass drums and staccato guitar riffs that do little to propel this progressive/power-metal band beyond average status. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that Stormental was released less than one year after the Brazilian quartet formed obviously not enough time for these amigos to write and deliver a diverse and effective record. Vocalist Alexi Lećo does little to distinguish one song from the next, often singing in the same urgent, slightly pained voice. Occasionally, especially near the end, Stormental varies the pace with "Auke" and the orchestral "Introducing the End." But it's a classic case of too little, too late.
Still intrigued by Stormental's name and dramatic artwork? To listen for yourself, visit the band online and download both Stormental and the new EP, Unleashing the Madness, for free.
Track Listing:
1) The Conquer
2) Rising
3) Stormental
4) Sun Child
5) The Fury
6) First Ray of Light
7) Auke
8) Introducing the End