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Linkin Park: Minutes To Midnight

Linkin Park didn't survive the death of rap metal because it held tenaciously to its considerable grasp on fame and fortune. Instead, it survived because it's always been a smart band, something this collection of sonic vignettes reveals. Each of the tracks retains a distinct character, whether the uncompromising ear blisters of the opening "Wake," the Fall Out Boy-esque balladry of "Given Up," or the rhymin' and illin' of "Hands Held High" and the attitudinal mellow rock of "What I've Done."

Sure, there's a lot of pained whispering, clichés that sound like revelations in the vocal chords of Chester Bennington and a whole lot of nods to the body-littered landscape of radio but Linkin Park is now––and has long been––a band with heaviness in its pocket and the soothing smiles of a pop band on its sleeve. There's nothing wrong with that and very little wrong, by the way, with Minutes To Midnight.

Track Listing
1. Wake
2. Given Up
3. Leave Out All The Rest
4. Bleed It Out
5. Shadow Of The Day
6. What I've Done
7. Hands Held High
8. No More Sorrow
9. Valentine's Day
10. In Between
11. In Pieces
12. The Little Things You Give Away

Added: May 23rd 2007
Reviewer: Jedd Beaudoin
Related Link: Linkin Park Website
Hits: 2574
Language: english

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