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Black Light Burns: Cruel Melody

Former Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes Borland grabs a bunch of pals, including veteran drum god Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle, Dweezil Zappa, Paul Westerberg), Nine Inch Nails man Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails) and Josh Eustis (Telefon Tel Aviv), for a go at something dark and perhaps sexy. The results? Well, the head doesn't fall far from the nail here as much of this comes off sounding like the kind of stuff ol' Reznor would have demoed back in his early years. "Animal," "Lie" and the titular cut owe more than a little debt to the other man in black, enough of a debt, anyway, that it's hard to know how much of its own merit this collective actually has. In fact, there's enough derivation here that one has to ask, "Hey, Wes, why should we take this band on into our record collections when there's already a few dozen just like it?" Not bad but not terribly original or up to the collective creative spunk the individual players usually bring to what they do.

Track Listing
1. Mesopotamia
2. Animal
3. Lie
4. Coward
5. Cruel Melody
6. The Mark
7. I Have A Need
8. 4 Walls
9. stop A Bullet
10. One Of Yours
11. New Hunger
12. I Am Where It Takes Me
13. Iodine Sky

Added: May 7th 2007
Reviewer: Jedd Beaudoin
Related Link: More Information
Hits: 2845
Language: english

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