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Year Of No Light: Nord

OK. Get this out of the way: Cult of Luna, Mouth of the Architect, Godflesh and Neurosis and Crock Pot of the Aging Aunt Elaine will all come in up in virtually everything you read about this band for the next year. Get over it. What's more interesting to note is how heavy this little French outfit is and how, at times, inventive it can be as well. The opening "Sélénite" features tender, almost melancholic guitar figures in its first minute, whilst "Traversée" comes off more like meditative post-rock (Explosions in the Sky, Spirit of the Stairs) than anything spawned by Ozzy and Blue Cheer. Elsewhere the garcons get up to some morcellement et grondement with "Les Mains De Le'Empereur" and "Par Économie Penant La Crise On Éteint La Lumiére Au Bout Du Tunnel." It's at those times, actually, that the collective loses some of its je ne sais pas ce qui and wears its aforementioned influences a little too prominently. Puits d'Oh.. There's still plenty to enjoy here and future releases should see this collective finding the rich textures of its own sound. Non?

Track Listing
1. Sélénite
2. L'Angoisse Du Vellieur De Nuit D' Autoroute Les Soirs D'Alarme Á Accident
3. Traversée
4. Librium
5. Les Mains De Le'Empereur
6. Tu As Fai De Moi Un Homme Meilleur
7. Somnabule
8. Prosodia
9. Par Économie Penant La Crise On Éteint La Lumiére Au Bout Du Tunnel
10. La Bouche De Vitus Bering

Added: May 15th 2007
Reviewer: Jedd Beaudoin
Related Link: Crucial Blast Website
Hits: 4202
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Year Of No Light: Nord
Posted by Ken Sanford, SoT Staff Writer on 2007-05-15 07:53:55
My Score:

It seems Post-Metal is en vogue these days. Cult of Luna, Pelican, and most significantly, Isis clones seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Year Of No Light have managed to create a masterpiece of originality amongst a genre of Johnny-come-lately's with their debut album Nord. One way to describe the album would be hypnotic. When listening to Nord you just become overwhelmed by it, as it becomes the soundtrack to your life. The music seems very simple yet has so much depth. It's melodic, doom laden, powerful, and gorgeous all at the same time. Most of Nord is devoid of vocals, but when the vocals are utilized they are very powerful, seemingly fighting to be heard through the ever present wall of sound; which includes some vastly haunting guitar and keyboard work. To say any particular song stands out would be doing a disservice to the rest of the tracks. This is a collection that needs to be heard in its entirety as it was created.

There are many bands out there attempting to create something using the framework and formula of similar influences, but they've never come close to doing what this band has done here. Year Of No Light have created a magnum opus in Nord, one that captivates and mesmerizes anyone who falls into its clutches. This is a unique album that should be heard by all. So go get it, turn up the volume, put your head back and enjoy the trip.

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