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Keneally, Mike: Nonkertompf

Many musicians have been deemed as "genius" in the history of rock and roll, but one who you will rarely hear mentioned other than in progressive rock circles is Mike Keneally. This multi-faceted musician, who honed his chops playing with Frank Zappa in that icon's later period, has appeared on numerous prog and fusion projects, as well as recorded a handful of solo projects and leads his own band, Beer For Dolphins. What is always apparent about the works of Keneally is that the man is seemingly never out of fresh musical ideas. Take this recent solo album Nonkertompf, a 74-minute edge-of-your-seat insanity trip, filled with virtuoso guitar and keyboard work. Comprised of 35 mini-pieces, this CD contains so many styles and tones, yet never repeats itself or bores the listener. Keneally goes from scorching guitar mayhem once minute, to gentle acoustic piano ditty the next. The inspiration of Zappa is alive and well throughout this CD, as you will hear lots of complex jazz riffery that at times sounds like "big band" music but is really only Keneally handling all the parts. Whether it be loud, Steve Vai-like shred guitar jams, complex prog in the style of Gentle Giant, or gentle Chick Corea influenced be-bop, Keneally keeps the listener on his/her toes throughout this exciting CD. An added treat is the song titles, which are really witty and humorous!

Added: January 5th 2003
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Mike Keneally Website
Hits: 5436
Language: english

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