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Conventum: Le Bureau Central des Utopies

Conventum's 2nd and final full length album was a paired down affair as what was once a large collective of musicians on the groups debut release, was down to only 4 musicians by the time Le Bureau Central des Utopies came out in 1980. Core members Bernard Cormier (violin), André Duchesne (acoustic guitar), Jacques Laurin (bass) and René Lussier (electric guitar) returned with a record that was even more cinematically themed than their debut. Much like the bands first record, there is a lot of excellent interplay between the musicians and a real aura of maturity in the songwriting this time around. Lussier is given more opportunities to show off his musical chops and he absolutely shines along with Cormier on a track like "Chorégraphie lunaire", alternating between fiery electric passages and gentler acoustic moments. In some ways Le Bureau Central des Utopies feels like a much more complete and well rounded offering than its predecessor and its unfortunate that this would be the group's final musical statement. The two bonus tracks consist of one live performance from the bands final show, along with the last song ever recorded under the Conventum moniker and released in 1982, "Le commerce nostalgique" .

Track Listing
1) Le reel des élections
2) Ateliers I & V
3) Fondation
4) Chorégraphie lunaire
5) La belle apparence
6) Fanfare
7) Trois petits pas
8) Le reel à mains
9) Le bureau central des utopies
10) Le pays du bruit (live)
11) Le commerce nostalgique

Added: January 17th 2007
Reviewer: Ryan Sparks
Related Link: ProgQuébec
Hits: 2546
Language: english

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