Kamelot: One Cold Winter's Night
The tour for The Black Halo broke a lot of positive ground for the band Kamelot and as a result, we fans get the double live CD/DVD set to enjoy. This CD One Cold Winter's Night is the audio only companion to the DVD release bearing the same name and similar to the film features the full concert with no songs edited out for time saving space. It was recorded on a brutally cold night in Oslo, Norway and as an album focuses on The Black Halo in its content as well as presenting you with some additional staples from the Kamelot back catalog. As both a music journalist and a fan of the band, I can say that there is only one reason to buy the CD only version and that would be because you absolutely hate live performance videos. If this is even remotely the case then I implore you to allow One Cold Winter's Night to change your stand on this. The video itself is quite enjoyable and worthy of purchase. Of course, the Kamelot completist will want this for their collection as perhaps they have a separate place where they kick back and listen to Metal while another area is devoted to video enjoyment in some kind of surround sound. Hey, the DVD is done in 5.1 so crank it up if you have the means to do so. Personally, I admit that I like having the live CD album as well as the video for sometimes you don't feel like having to pop in a DVD simply to hear the music. It also works out better for someone who wants to listen in the car or the office.
A number of photos from the performance are featured on the enclosed booklet and if you are still a bit unschooled in matters Kamelot, then this is a great place to start. The scope of the material and its sound makes this pretty close to being a live greatest hits piece. Similar to the DVD the solos are included and you get Simone of Epica as she sings duet with Khan on "The Haunting". As this blasts on your stereo you will agree that Mr. Khan is one of the more passionate of Metal front men, and I look forward to hearing more from him on future studio efforts. Check this release out after you investigate the DVD for while I wish both were released as a package I feel something would have been cut if they did that. The time is right for Kamelot, time to join the party.
Track Listing
- Intro: Un Assasino Molto Silenzioso
- The Black Halo
- Soul Society
- The Edge Of Paradise
- Center Of The Universe
- Nights Of Arabia
- Abandoned
- Forever
- Keyboard Solo
- The Haunting
- Moonlight
- When The Lights Are Down
- Elizabeth (Part I, II & III)
- March Of Mephisto
- Karma
- Drum Solo
- Farewell
- Outro
Added: December 6th 2006 Reviewer: Ken Pierce Score:     Related Link: Kamelot Website Hits: 2586 Language: english
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