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Staind: The Singles 1996-2006

With Staind, Aaron Lewis and company most certainly dished out the Melancholy with their major label debut Break The Cycle. It was an album whose lead single actually owed some level of popularity based on Fred Durst's (Limp Bizkit) initial interest in them. Durst had performed the song "Outside" with Lewis on the Family Values tour before the albums release in 2001. The performance built an interest and buzz that kept until the album hit. As a band Staind laid down the radio friendly Alt-Metal with apparent ease and this hits collection is a great way to remember their finest moments from the span of their releases. "BTC" has four presentations on the album, and sadly the studio version is omitted to include the acoustic pairing with Durst. While it's a good version I am sure that many fans would prefer to have had the darker and heavier studio cut included. Other highlights include the hits from 14 Shades Of Grey, an album that found the group a little more mainstream as they sang tributes to fallen friends and their family as well. A touching track is "Zoe Jane", Lewis' daughter. It was an album that showed there was also light inside the once dark and brooding band. In addition to the main hits there are several acoustic numbers and among them are covers of both Pink Floyd and Tool. The songs show that there is added passion to this group and it's an interesting manner to hear a Tool song in the first place. Floyd generally translates well acoustically and on this I found the classic track "Comfortably Numb" to be just a little more ominous.

I enjoyed Staind as a band, and felt that they strived to be different from the crop of Seattle Sound bands that the decade had just closed us out from. They used elements of this melancholy and angst to a great effect with a dose of Hard Rock that worked out very well in the end. As a result this band has far more memorable tracks than many others would from this same time in music history. Don't believe me? Name three Limp Bizkit hits……see, I told you so.

Track Listing
  1. Come Again
  2. Mudshovel
  3. Home
  4. Outside (acoustic)
  5. It's Been Awhile
  6. For You
  7. Epiphany
  8. So Far Away
  9. Price To Play
  10. Zoe Jane
  11. Right Here
  12. Falling
  13. Everything Changes
  14. Nutshell
  15. Sober
  16. Comfortably Numb

Added: November 13th 2006
Reviewer: Ken Pierce
Related Link: Staind Website
Hits: 2555
Language: english

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