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Destroy Destroy Destroy: Devour the Power

Like a three way, head on collision between Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, and Iron Maiden, come Tennessee's Destroy Destroy Destroy. Their new release Devour the Power is an epic statement of brutal Viking Metal, intricate & symphonic progressive metal, and dark black metal. Basically, European styled metal. So how does a band from the little old state of Tennessee manage to muster up these type of sounds, considering how far removed they are from the origins of where this type of metal originated? The answer to that is not really known, but make no mistake about it, Devour the Power is the real deal, complete with galloping rhythms, shredding guitar and keyboard work, and lethal vocal growls, sure to appeal to fans of the above mentioned bands as well others like Symphony X, Dragonforce, Amon Amarth, Norther, and Old Man's Child.

Lyrically, this one's steeped in dungeons, dragons, castles, warriors, and the like, but even before you read the lyrics, one look at the photo of the band (clad in only thongs and bullet belts) will instantly let you know of their intentions here. This is over the top, fun stuff, that I'm sure is not taken too seriously by the band, but hell they really deliver the goods. Wicked tremelo picked guitar riffs and orchestral keys adorn the pounding "Battle Cry" amidst plenty of ghastly screams, and the monstrously delicious "The Beast That Cannot Be Fed" has plenty of Children of Bodom styled vocal and guitar onslaughts to please any hardcore fan of that band.

Let's face it, Devour the Power is not going to win any awards for originality, but any band that can mesh fantasy tinged prog & power metal with black metal and thrash is OK in my book. Destroy Destroy Destroy have put together one lean, metal, but most of all fun extreme metal machine here. I think I'll grab my sword and shield and dive in for another go 'round!

Track Listing
1. The Summoning
2. Hang The Vermin
3. Gods Of War And Open Sores
4. Ripped Apart By The Juggernaut Of Fornication
5. Battle Cry
6. Eternal Voyage Of The Geishmal Undead
7. The Beast That Cannot Be Fed
8. Mutilated Cranial Orifice
9. Seduced By The Locrian Temptress
10. Hellfire
11. Bring On The Exodus

Added: October 7th 2006
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 3989
Language: english

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