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Illuminati, The: On Borrowed Time

California based label Liquor and Poker Music has been doing a great job lately with recent releases by Crucified Barbara, Dirty Americans, Crash Kelly and now you can add Toronto based band The Illuminati to that list of great, no frills hard rock. The bands sound and swagger has southern American boogie written all over it, so it may come as a bit of a surprise that this trio is actually from north of the border eh? The Illuminati rip through 14 songs in just under 37 minutes and the tracks are basically straight ahead retro sounding, 3 minute beer guzzling anthems with just a touch of swing to chase it all down. Imagine if Ian Astbury suddenly came to his senses, dropped the lame ass Doors gig and decided he wanted to rock again like it was 1987, circa The Cult's Electric album and you'd have a pretty good overall idea of The Illuminati's sonic potential. Not only is this CD full of solid, kick ass summer time jams but The Illuminati are providing you with a great excuse to dig out that old funnel and start chugging those beers like it's you who's living on borrowed time!

Track Listing
1) Sphere Of Influence
2) Black Russian Blues
3) Message Home
4) Impressions
5) Casual Surveillance
6) On Borrowed Time
7) Goin' Down
8) Rain Delay
9) The Jericho Mile
10) Sir Lord Brubeck
11) Lay low
12) Steal 'Yer Thunder
13) Untitled
14) On My Way Back Home.. Again

Added: August 9th 2006
Reviewer: Ryan Sparks
Related Link: Illuminati Website
Hits: 3544
Language: english

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