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Crash Kelly: Electric Satisfaction

Toronto based Crash Kelly is the brainchild of guitarist / vocalist Sean Kelly and Electric Satisfaction, the bands sophomore release on Liquor and Poker Music is about a close as you can get to a band aiming to perfect the swagger of glam rocks glory days of 70's.

Electric Satisfaction was produced by former Guns n' Roses member and current star of the reality T.V. super group in the making Supernova, guitarist Gilby Clarke. In fact a lot of Electric Satisfaction's material definitely wouldn't sound out of place on any of Clarke's own solo releases. However make no mistake about it, this is Kelly's party and over the course of the CD's 11 songs he wraps up the Sweet, Cheap Trick and Bowie influences perfectly. The riffs and melodies are so damn infectious it's not funny and the dual lead guitar attack of Kelly and 2nd six stringer Allister Thompson is a definite high point throughout. Not to mention the brilliantly layered vocal harmonies which mesh perfectly over top of the bands power pop attack. The songs are tight and kept to around the three to three and half minute range for the most part and are designed to keep the listener singing until long after the keg has run dry. Check out the spot on almost note for note perfect rendition of Alice Cooper's "Cold Ethyl" which closes out the album where Kelly teams up vocally with his Revolver band mate vocalist Nick Walsh; together they both rip this one apart. Electric Satisfaction is a kick ass statement from beginning to end and a CD that deserves a place in your collection right now!

Interesting side note: The Canadian version of Electric Satisfaction contains a different bonus track, "Roxy Roller" by Sweeney Todd which was a #1 song in Canada in 1975 and originally sung by Nick Gilder.

Track Listing
1) Hang Out Where You Matter
2) Ride The Wire
3) Turn It Around
4) 33 On The Charts
5) Two Year Runaround
6) Count On Me, Count On You
7) She Put The Shock (In My Rock n' Roll)
8) Cut On Your Tongue
9) Rock And Roll Disasters (On The Radio)
10) Cracked And Faded
11) You're A Drag When You're High
12) Cold Ethyl (Bonus Track)

Added: August 2nd 2006
Reviewer: Ryan Sparks
Related Link: Official Website
Hits: 2555
Language: english

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