Atakhama: Existence Indifferent
Atakhama is a side-project/supergroup of sorts, made up of musicians on the Finnish metal scene from bands like Swallow the Sun, Funeris Nocturnum, Machine Men, and Sotajumala. Their debut album Existence Indifferent is a brutal and punishing affair that rocks with machine-like precision, that will no doubt please fans of groups like Behemoth, Decapitated, Bloodbath, Morbid Angel, Vader, and Zyklon. Basically, as you can imagine, Existence Indifferent is straightforward, slightly technical, venemous death metal, and Atakhama do it well. Raging blast beats, growling vocals. bludgeoning riffs, and twin guitar harmonies make up the framework here, and each track is really solid and epic sounding. Take "Predatory Acts" for example, which features plenty of melodic lead guitar work from Simo Rahikainen and J-V Hintikka, powerful growls from Jimmy Salmi, and the astounding drum work of Timo Hakkinen, who honestly never lets up throughout this album. Listen to the mighty riff of "Refueling the Black Blood", a killer cut that again sees Hakkinen flailing like a crazed madman, or the grueling death march of "Dead Wounded Imprisoned", which brings to mind Hypocrisy or Tagtgren era Bloodbath. It's not until the closing instrumental title track that things slow down one bit, and perhaps that's the lone drawback here, as the listener is not given the opportunity to take a breather once during this album. But hey, this is death metal after all, and as I mentioned once already, there's no shortage of intense brutality here, and for a debut, this one is damn good. Let's see now if Atakhama becomes more than just a side project in the months and years to come.
Track Listing
1) Regiment of Inhumanity
2) Lifeless and Blistering
3) Predatory Acts
4) World to Dominate
5) Refueling the Black Blood
6) Dead Wounded Imprisoned
7) Consequence
8) Hypothesis of Humankind
9) Existence Indifferent
Added: July 24th 2006 Reviewer: Pete Pardo Score: Related Link: Band Website Hits: 2866 Language: english
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Atakhama: Existence Indifferent Posted by Scott Borre, SoT Staff Writer on 2006-07-24 18:35:09 My Score:
Atakhama is an extreme metal band from Finland, and they make it obvious from the start of their album Existence Indifferent, which immediately jumps into crushingly fast power chord riffs, with a heavy growl. Existence Indifferent is the debut album from Atakhama and it was released in 2005. When entering this realm of metal many bands have purposely poor production which makes it sound unclean and raw. Atakhama went the route of quality production which adds to the quality of the album, and enhances the intended sound. It just sounds heavier than most bands are able to produce, and yet you can clearly hear every element of the music.
If you enjoy Morbid Angel and Behemoth you will enjoy Atakhama, and most extreme metal fans will want to listen to this band. I wouldn't call their rifts imaginative, but they are heavy, driven, and good. Overall the instrumental work shows talent, and while they don't go into sick leads, when they do it enhances the heaviness of the music, with both of Atakhama's guitarists, Simo Rahikainen and J-V Hintikka contributing to the leads. Simo's lead at the start of "Hypothesis of Humankind", is short, but neat, and it typifies the style of lead guitar played throughout the album. Jimmy Salmi does an impressively mean growl, that is full of grit, but you can hear what he is saying behind his wraith-like style.
The only problem with this album is that it doesn't have enough originality to really stand out in a genre that is being absolutely flooded with new bands and numerous releases.
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