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Psychic Paramount, The: Live 2002-The FrancoItalian Tour

Hmmm, where to start with this one. The Psychic Paramount are a three-piece band consisting of Drew St. Ivany (guitar) , Ben Armstrong (bass), and Tatsuya Nakatani (drums), who got together from the ashes of the defunct NYC combo Laddio Bolocko. The group formed five days before a scheduled tour of France and Italy in 2002, of which these recordings were culled from for this release. Previously available as a CDR and now officially released, Live 2002-The Franco-Italian Tour is raw, violent, bootleg quality noise rock. Washes of guitar loops, feedback, manic drums, and many other psychedelic sounds waft through the mix during this six-song album, mostly without a drop of melody in sight, but always furious with a sense of adventure and reckless abandon that borders on math rock as well as ambient and electronic soundcapes. Nakatani is a monstrous player, flailing his kit like a pissed-off demon, while St. Ivany lets loose plenty of molten shards of scorching, feedback laden guitar passages. It's manic at times, mind-altering at others, and I'm not sure how musical it all is, but there's no denying that you can't ignore it. Worth a listen if you are into experimental stuff.

Track Listing
1) Lyon
2) Paris Pt. One
3) Paris Pt. Two
4) Napoli/Perpignan Pt. Two
5) Perpignon Pt. One
6) Ex-Visitations

Added: May 25th 2006
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 2349
Language: english

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