Black Cobra is a two-piece band from Florida, comprised of two guys named Jason and Rafael. Bestial is their full-length debut (following their six-minute EP release a few years ago), a massive collection of behemoth doom and stoner songs dripping with an underground feel that is totally chaotic and impossible to ignore. With a hardcore attitude and plenty of doomy metal muscle, Black Cobra seem to have drank from the same well that Mastodon sipped from a few years ago. Combining huge waves of guitar riffery, acrobatic rhythms, and angry vocal shouts, Bestial is filled with all sorts of promise. At roughly 36 minutes long, the CD never relents, jumping from one track to the next, as the listener is bombarded with one great riff after another while the manic rhythms pulverize your eardrums and unsettle your brain. I'm left thinking that with a clearer production, these guys called Black Cobra are more than ready to take the next plunge. There's plenty of devastating stuff here, it just all needs to be harnessed and given some solid production, and then we might be on to the next big thing.
Track Listing
1) One Nine
2) Thrown From Great Heights
3) El Equis
4) Beneath
5) Omniscient
6) The Cry of Melora
7) Broken on the Wheel
8) Sugar Water
9) El Doce De Octubre
10) Sombra De Bestia
11) Kay Dur Twenty