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Kult ov Azazel: The World The Flesh & The Devil

It's a given that US black metal has always been a step behind European black metal, particularly than those in the Scandinavian countries. It is bands like Grand Belial's Key and Judas Iscariot that keep the US black metal scene alive, with others trying to support them. The one main problem seems to be that too many American bands are trying to sound like their Norwegian peers, and failing miserably.

Kult of Azazel is another band from the USA that plays pure, old school black metal. They do have a vivid Marduk influence that shows itself in some parts heavily, but other than that, Kult ov Azazel do their best to sound as angry and evil as possible. For one, the double bass drumming doesn't stop even for a second. It's there all the time. The singer screams vehemently as the guitar riffs are repeated over and over again, till everyone is sure they've sunk in. Whenever they throw in a few new elements in the music, their songs become more interesting. The album opener "World is Full of Violence" is not only mercilessly heavy but they also incorporate awesome melodic guitar lines in the mix that tighten the composition. The changing tempos on "Compelled to Die" also feature some great blackened thrash metal riffage; while "Glorification of Evil" is single-mindedly heavy and punishing. The vocals take a moment to display their clean side on "As Temples Burn", although heavily processed. "Trampling the Cross" has a great epic groove to it, with cascading riffs and tortured vocals, varied drum nuances, and a great rhythmic combination. The rest of the album follows pretty much in the same way. Never diverse, the songs end as they start: Fast. Fast. Fast. The vocals are angry through and through, and the double bass drumming refuses to stop. One exception being the bass-solo graced "Blood, Death & Damnation" with its wild bass arpeggios in the middle, as everything including the vocals takes a back seat.

My guess is some black metal fans will like this, while others won't. To some it will be the best thing since the first Darkthrone album; while to others, it will be just rehashed material that is boring and lifeless. Hard to pinpoint at this point.

Track Listing

  1. World Is Full of Violence
  2. As Temples Burn
  3. Eternity With Satan
  4. Compelled to Die
  5. Glorification of Evil
  6. Trampling the Cross
  7. Blood, Death & Damnation
  8. Calling Forth
  9. Bloodstained Path to Victory

Added: April 4th 2006
Reviewer: Murat Batmaz
Related Link: Kult ov Azazel website
Hits: 2529
Language: english

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