Now joined by Six Feet Under vocalist Chris Barnes, Torture Killer seem prepared for major metal devastation with death, grind, and gore metal sounds of Swarm!. With song titles like "Cannibal Gluttony", "A Funeral For the Masses", and "Heading Towards the Butchery", you can pretty much guess what's in store for you on this platter of extreme mayhem. Those familiar with Barnes and his demonic bark with Six Feet Under can expect more of the same with Torture Killer, except that this band has a bit more groove than SFU. The guitar work of Jari Laine and Tuomas Karppinen is thick, massive (no doubt thanks to the mix job by Hate Eternal's Erik Rutan) and rhythmic, which is kind of surprising for stuff this extreme. However, as tight and juicy as the musical aspect of this CD is, some will find the lyrical content a bit distracting and disturbing, and Barnes' vocal style is an acquired taste for sure. But, if you don't take this stuff too seriously, there's a great deal here to have a good time with. I mean, come on, who can't mosh and scream their guts out to "Obsessed With Homicide"?
Track Listing
1) Swarm!
2) Forever Dead
3) A Funeral For the Masses
4) Multiple Counts of Murder
5) Obsessed With Homicide
6) Sadistic
7) Cannibal Gluttony
8) I Killed You
9) Heading Towards the Butchery
10) A Violent Scene of Death